How Killer Kyle Got His Grift Back

For a while, it looked like Killer Kyle Rittenhouse was going to have to quit grifting and get a real job. He kept having his appearances cancelled...

August 23, 2023
2:04 PM

For a while, it looked like Killer Kyle Rittenhouse was going to have to quit grifting and get a real job. He kept having his appearances cancelled and when he did have one, no one showed up for it. But now, Kyle has got his grift going on again, this time with a sham foundation: Kyle Rittenhouse, the right-wing activist who was famously acquitted of killing two Black Lives Matter protesters in 2020, is stepping up his involvement in Texas politics. Already this year, he's rallied with a Texas secessionist movement leader, endorsed ultraconservative midterm candidates, and railed against Texas gun control legislation and the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Chris Cper Liebenthal